The band- Radiohead are an English alternative rock band who were formed in 1985, meaning that they have been together for over 30 years. The 5 members of the band are: Thom Yorke, Jonny Greenwood, Ed O'Brien, Colin Greenwood and Phil Selway. They were formed in Oxfordshire, England. They have performed under numerous record labels such as Capitol record and Parlophone. When they first started in Abingdon, Oxfordshire the band were originally called 'On a Friday'. Chris Huffed and Bryce Edge have managed the band for 32 years, after seeing them perform under the name 'On a Friday' in Oxford, and managed to sign the band onto a 6 album deal with EMI records. The majority of the art used in their music videos and album covers rarely depict members of the band themselves but instead have a some what creepy twist to them.
Burn the witch
'Burn the witch' was the main single on the album 'A moon shaped pool' which was released on 3rd May 2016. The song was released to the public over a decade after it was originally performed by the band in their studio. The music video contains stop-motion animation, very similar to that which was used in the Trumptonshire trilogies in the 1960s. The music video is loosely based on the classic horror film 'the wicker man' where a man travels to a small town and is eventually burned alive in a massive man-shaped wicker structure.A moon shaped pool

Chris Hopewell
Chris Hopewell is an english music video director who has worked for artists such as Radiohead, Franz Ferdinand, The Killer and Scissor sisters. His video for the Radiohead song 'there there' received an award for art direction at the 2003 MTV video music awards.
The wicker man
The wicker man is a British horror film which was made in 1973 and is highly regarded as one of the best horror films of all time, with total film magazine labelling it the 6th best horror film in global film history. The ending of the wicker man, where the policeman is burned to death is the main inspiration for the music video for Radiohead's 'burn the witch', with them using stop-motion animation instead.
The Trumptonshire trilogy
The Trumptonshire trilogy was a children's TV series made in the late 1960's. The animation used in the series was the inspiration for the stop-motion characters used in Radiohead's video for their song 'burn the witch'
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