Media Audiences

Reception theory (Stuart Hall, 1980)

Hall's 'encoding-decoding' model argues that media producers encode 'preferred meanings' into texts, but those texts may be read by their audiences in a number of different ways:
The dominant-hegemonic position: a preferred reading that accepts the text's messages and the ideological assumptions behind the messages.
The negotiated position: the reader accepts the text's ideological assumptions, but disagrees with the aspects of the messages, so negotiated the meaning to fit with their 'lived experience'.
The oppositional reading: the reader rejects the overt message and its underlying ideological assumptions.

Cultivation theory (Gerbner)

Exposure to television over long periods of time cultivates standardised roles and behaviours. Gerbner used content analysis to analyse repeated media messages and values, then found that heavy users of TV were more likely, for example, to develop 'mean world syndrome'- a cynical, mistrusting attitude towards others- following prolonged exposure to high levels of TV violence. 'Mainstreaming'- a common outlook on the world based on the images and labels on TV.

Media effects theory (Bandura)

The media can influence people directly- human values, judgement and conduct can be altered directly by media modelling. Direct influence: can it lead to imitation. The media may influence directly or by social networks, so people can be influenced by media messages without being exposed to them. Different media have different effects. The 'new' media offers opportunities for self-directedness. 


Fans act as 'textual poachers'- taking elements from media texts to create their own culture. The development of the 'new' media has accelerated 'participatory culture' in which audiences are active and creative participants rather than passive consumers. They create online communities which generate 'collective intelligence'

End of audience theories (Shirky)

In the 'old' media, centralised producers addressed atomism consumers; in the 'new' media every consumer is now a producer. Traditional media producers would 'filter then publish'; as many 'new' media producers are not employees, they 'publish then filter'. Amateur producers value autonomy, competence, membership and generosity. User generated content creates an emotional connection between people. The 'new' audiences have unpredictable behaviour. The 'old' media created a mass audience. The 'new' media provides a platform for all people to provide values for each other. 
