The Paradise Papers story coverage

The Paradise Papers story coverage

On the 6th November 2017, the Paradise Papers scandal were released and British newspapers were very quick to highlight to the public the details of the outrageous scandal. The Daily Mail demonstrated its right wing capitalist ideology by using the dynamic verb 'dragged' to suggest that the patriotic figure of the Queen is the victim in this case, as due to her being such an important nationalist figure it is vital that she is not projected in a poor image. The Queen is a major figure in the public eye and would therefore be an attractive prospect for the newspaper as her popularity would attract lots of readers. The dynamic verb 'dragged' produces connotations of the tax scandal being against the Queen's will, as if she was dragged into it then she would not have been willing to be involved in it. Furthermore, the Queen is thought to be a moderate conservative so right wing ideologists would want to preserve her from scandals and such, hence why this right wing newspaper are doing their upmost to make the Queen appear the victim. Even though the main topic is about the paradise papers, The Daily Mail does include other celebrities on its cover, perhaps to distract the audience from the major story which puts the nationalist figure of the Queen in a considerably negative image. 

The Guardian newspaper is a left wing socialist based newspaper who are strongly against capitalist views and would therefore would be willing to antagonise capitalist figures. Henceforth, the Guardian is in favour of shaming the Queen for her role in the paradise papers as they believe that her 'controversial' and selfish actions are 'exploiting the poor'. The use of the progressive dynamic verb 'exploiting' gives the impression that the Queen is freely and willingly taking advantage of the poor, expressing the socialist view that capitalism leads to wealthy people selfishly bettering their financial state by taking from the poor. In the Guardian, the paradise papers scandal covers the entirety of the front page, indicating their want to spread their views that these actions by capitalist views are wrong and punishable. 

These 4 newspapers can be shown to prioritise different types of stories, with only the left wing socialist based Daily Mirror having the paradise paper scandal as their main story. This could be demonstrative over their socialist views as they might want to disgrace the capitalist figure of the Queen and would therefore prioritise her demise on their front cover. The Daily Telegraph only has a small column on the paradise papers scandal, therefore demonstrating that they do not view the event as significant. The Independent's main story is on the Texas church shooting, demonstrating their non political views as they prioritise the non political story. The Daily Express stereotypically have a main headline based on the weather so therefore the the paradise papers is not prioritised on the cover of this right wing newspaper. 

The mail online is completely and utterly in defence of the Queen, as they blame those around her for the scandal, using the adjective 'hypocrites' to demonstrate that those who blame the Queen are in the wrong. 
