Daily Mail Online
The online version of the Daily Mail is much more bare boned than the paper articles as it focuses mainly on images and headlines. The Daily Mail is a right wing newspaper but its online version does not contain many political views and instead focuses on gossip stories which are circulating in the media. In print form, the Daily Mail greatly out sells the Guardian and I would still believe this to be the same case in the online versions. I'd imagine that the Daily Mail does invest a fair amount of capital in their online publications as they publish a large amount of different stories daily, therefore they would require a lot of journalists to publish so many stories so consistently. The purpose of the Daily Mail putting their news online is that it attracts the attention of people who obtain their news via the internet on a daily basis. The readership for the Mail Online on a monthly basis is 6,989,000 readers, which is significantly less than the readership for the paper version of the Daily Mail. The Daily Mail online generate the majority of the income through advertisements and subscriptions.

The Guardian Online
Similar to the Daily Mail online, the layout of the Guardian's online website is considerably barer than its paper version, with their being a distinct lack of information other than headlines and adverts. The Guardian is a left wing newspaper and therefore has the views of social equality and therefore try to appeal more to working class audiences. Due to growing success of online news, I'd imagine that the Guardian spend a large amount of money on providing the most up to date news for their online publication. In doing so it allows them to reach larger audiences and spread their left wing views on the internet. The monthly readership for the Guardian online is 7,964,892 which is larger than that of the Daily Mail, indicating that it more viable for younger audiences, however the readership of the online version is less than the readership of the paper version. As well as providing news, the Guardian online gives support on dating and jobs, making it more accessible for wider audiences. The Guardian online generate most of their income through subscriptions and advertisements.
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